Giles Easterbrook - 1999

Born in Berlin in 1949. Giles Easterbrook has spent most of his life in Surrey. He was educated at Purley Grammer School before entering Oxford University to read Egyptology and Coptic.

There he attended composition lectures by Kenneth Leighton and became active in organizing perfomances of 20th Century music.

He went on for 2 years with a firm of concert agents, specializing in tours by overseas ensmbles and promoting concerts. Later he worked with the music publishers Novello for 16 year. His musical education was informal and included assistance rom Neils Viggo Bentzon, Herbert Howells and Tristan Keuris. He is currently involved in developing the independent new-music publishers Meacenas Contemporary Composers in Kenley. He is a founding member of the Chameleon Group of Composers.

Last year saw several performances of his music, with a concert dedicated to him for his 50th birthday and another concert at the ICA London as highlights.

Chameleon Group of Composers © 2000