Virtual Pitch and Pitch Salience in Contemporary Composing
L. Hofmann-Engl
Keele University (UK)
in Proceedings of the VI BrazilianSymposium on Computer Music at PUC Rio de Janeiro, 1999
This paper introduces a model on virtual pitch and pitch salience (degree of consonance and
dissoance). It applies the model to contemporary composing in form of virtual tonality,
virtual modulation and harmonic functional relationships.
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Other papers on virtual pitch
Virtual pitch and its application to contemporary harmony analysis (2004)
A comparison between the temporal and pattern approach to virtual pitch applied to the root detection of chords (2006)
Virtual Pitch and the Classification of Chords in Minor and Major Keys (2008)
Virtual Pitch Applet
Harmony Analyzer 3.1
Chameleon Group of Composers © 2008